My Cross
This cross of mine
was given me
on my day of birth
for me to carry
through the days
I live upon this earth
As I have grown
through the years,
as I have gotten older,
I’ve come to love
this cross which rests
upon my shoulders.
Some days it seems
its weight
I cannot bear.
But, then the times
it lifts me up
I’m so glad it’s there.
This cross of mine
does lift me
ever higher,
closer to my God
where I can hear
the angels singing
in His heavenly choir.
I love my cross.
I’ll not let go
for I know
When I’m too old
and feeble;
too weak
to lift its weight
Tis then my cross
will carry me
to the One I seek.
This poem is an original and I wanted to share it with you. There would be no Easter without the cross. May you have a blessed and glorious Easter. God bless you!!
Love, Connie
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