Monday, July 22, 2019

It's the I AM

There is something special about this last third of our lives. Most of us have finished with struggling to get ahead, or simply survive. Our children are grown and have left the nest. We might even decide we don't need so big a nest and downsize to a more simple dwelling.

We might buy a camper and decide to see the country... maybe a couple of kayaks for lazy days on the river... or invest in a drum or two and join a drum circle. We share in discussions with like-minded people and yes, we might even sign up for painting classes! Adventure and freedom are in the air. We shed ourselves of unnecessary baggage and excitedly step ahead into the yet unexplored.

There is time now to relax and enjoy and as we do, we're reminded of something... something which has always been a part of us... something we may not have taken the time to see, feel and know. This 'something' has always called to us and now... now we find ourselves longing for that 'something' which has no name... that 'something' which manifests in a constant underlying yearning.

It's a yearning which drives us to seek. Our seeking has a tendency to make us look outside of ourselves and leads to new experiences of other people and places. Then, one day, something happens and we realize what we've been looking for "out there" has always been "in here" and has since our very beginning.

But how do we access it?  How can we see?  How can we find that which has lain hidden within the deep recesses of ourselves?

We are a world populated by 'wanna be' mystics... the yearning within us so strong we cannot keep from seeking.  It may 'sleep' for many years and we may push it aside as something we don't have time for... but it is there. It has always been there and it makes itself known. Once we recognize it for what it is... the yearning for oneness with God... we must respond to it. We have no choice!

Yes, I know. We always have a choice... but choosing not to respond to that ache within will make us miserable. It will always be there. Calling...

As a mother reaches out and pulls her child to her breast, holding it close in soothing comfort, so it is with God:

" Come to me. Rest in me. Let me hold you in my arms so you come to feel and know the love I have for you. Yes, I send you others to love and who love you. How else would you come to know Love?  But human love is only a taste of the totality of the love I have for you.

Now, my dear ones... though you have always had my love, you have not realized the magnificent all-encompassing power of it. Now is the time. Now I call you to me. I call you to recognize and know me as the pure Love that I AM. Then you will see and know I AM in all others as I AM in you!

Peace be with you, my friends!


  1. Lately, that still small voice nudges me and says as it has for so many years now, "put me first", "seek ye first the kingdom". Your message is another reminder in case I didn't get it. It's about allowing the authentic self to manifest. I am particularly reminded of the feminine nature of the Divine and the bag of gold she has given to each of us. Thank you dear sister.
