Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Can You See?

“Can you see?” I asked my friend.  “Can you see all those who have died traveling the pathway to heaven... joyfully walking into the Light?  Can you see how their faces radiate... how it consumes them... draws them into itself... until they become one with the Light?”

"And as you watch them disappear into the Light, can you see those golden orbs... individual bursts of light... coming out of the Light and descending, floating back to earth?”  

I stepped back a bit then for a broader view.  “Yes,” I told her.  “It is the eternal circle of death and life.  For every soul which becomes one with the eternal Light is born anew.  Ah, it is a beautiful sight to see!”  

“Can you see?”

It was the morning of December 24th I was given this beautiful vision... the day before Christmas... the morning of the Eve.  It was a beautiful thing for me to see and I wondered at so awesome a gift.  

My wondering lasted only until I received notice that my dear friend, Sister Margie had passed on early that morning.  Then I knew!  I knew she was among those traveling into the Light for I had recognized her... so briefly it hadn’t registered in my consciousness at the time.  It was after being told of her death I knew.  I saw her in full habit.  I saw others, too... Sisters in habit... some I recognize and some I don’t.  

The vision is not gone.  It is a gift... a gift which can be unwrapped and opened at will.  It is a gift to be examined closely because the more I look at it, the more I see.  It is a gift I hold close for it is filled with love.

This is a hard time of year for many of us.  We miss our loved ones who have gone on and the sadness is a part of us.  But there is also joy... so much joy!  Joy in knowing those we love are safe and happy within the Light.

You might find it interesting too, to know my mother has been here with me these past few days knowing I needed comfort.  She didn’t do or say anything... just sat in her chair at the kitchen table and let her presence be known.  Yesterday morning (Christmas Eve) I noticed she had left and it was after my seeing Margie, I knew why.

Of course!  She was part of the multitude and had to be there to celebrate Jesus’ birthday!

God bless you all and Merry Christmas!

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