Sunday, December 15, 2019

My Dear Friends...

My dear friends,

This is one of those times sadness, worry, fear, hope and joy are all mixed up together.  I received word yesterday that a dear friend was not doing well and had to be rushed to the hospital.  This morning I found she was scheduled for serious surgery and that it was touch and go.  She would definitely die without it and could possibly die with it.  Prayer was (and is) needed and I contacted everyone I knew on facebook requesting prayer. 

The thing I want to share with you is this... During church service this morning... the same time my friend was having surgery... I felt the need to speak with her:

“I am told by my friend who sees that you are happy.  Certainly you are, for now you are with your Beloved.  You know what awaits you.  You are bathed in warmth and light such as you have never before known.  I wonder... Will you stay there or will you return?  Is this your time or is it not?  There is love for you here as well... and that love sets you free to be who and what you are meant to be.  There is love and joy in my heart for you... and an underlying sadness for me and those who love you.”

“Yes, my friend, I can see you.  I see you rising above... looking down and blessing those of us here.  But... I see you suspended.  Will you rise or will you return?”

“Does it matter, Connie?” “I hear you say and I have to answer that question.....”

“My answer has to be ‘no’.  It doesn’t matter for I know friendship and love continue beyond the veil.  And because I know that truly in my heart, I want only what God wants for you.”

It was toward the end of the service I saw her returning and heard that her mission here is not finished.

You can imagine how relieved I was, not only when my friend who sees confirmed she had also seen, but when I got home there was an email waiting, telling me she had made it through the surgery and was in ICU receiving the best of care. 

Please forgive me for not going into more detail but my friend’s privacy is very important to her.  I do, however, ask that you continue praying for her.  There is much yet for her to do but she needs the use of her body to do it. 

Thank you, my friends!
Love, Light and Blessings to you all!


  1. Yes I know friendship and love come thru the veil Allen has visited me as have other's and I am full of joy knowing there is guidance from souls who we love.
