Friday, December 20, 2019

Death is a Door

I think perhaps death can be likened to a door... a door which stays closed until it is meant to open.  It is not an invisible door because there have been times in my life I have stood in front of it, willing it to open and being very grateful it didn’t.  

I wonder if the words, “I will raise you up” might really mean, “I will open the door.”

With my mother’s death a few years ago, I knew she was busy making contact with people before she died.  Friends told me of visions and messages received before her death.  Mom needed to say “good bye” and didn’t leave us until a good amount of time had passed from that of her expected death.

My friend, Sister Margie, is in hospice as I write this and has been off life support for more than 38 hours.  As family and friends continue to pray for a peaceful death, she is not ready to go.  I am sure she is busy tying up loose ends and saying “good bye” to family and friends she has loved and who love her.

This is the hard part for all of us, for as Margie makes her transition from this world to the next, we must also make a transition.  We must allow the love connection we share to open us up to receiving.  I have come to realize that the veil between is not as thick as we might think.  We can go through if we allow it and our loved ones can, and do, visit us from the beyond if we are open to it.

My mother’s visits have become less frequent through the years but every once in a while... when she knows I need her comfort... she comes.  This is one of those times.  She knows of my human sadness and understands.  But she also knows that I know of what is beyond the door... and reminds me of it.  

I grieve for myself for I will miss Margie terribly.  She has been a part of my life for more than fifty years and is firmly planted in my heart.  But I also celebrate with great joy the fact that she will be going through that door.  I... and she... know that our human death is our returning to the Christ from which we have come.  It is a going home after our sojourn here on earth.  Margie has done all she has come to do and these tears I cry are for both my sadness and my joy!

I am looking forward to her visits.

Love, light and joy to you all this Christmas season.  With every death there is a rebirth.  I think this might be one of the reasons so many make the transition this time of year.  As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us also celebrate our own... our birth into this world and our rebirth out of it into the next.

God bless you and Merry Christmas!


  1. Wow as you know I have stood in front of that door. It has open nut each time God has sent me back. And I to rejoice when it has not opened when l tried to force it open. This is a beautiful picture I can hold in my mind. My beautiful door closed because I have much healing and joy to experience.
