Sunday, March 1, 2015

A Painting Story

When I posted this painting on Facebook, some asked me about the story behind it...knowing that every painting has a story. It may sound strange, but I painted this one mainly because every day I didn’t have something planned, Mom asked me if I was going to paint. Last Sunday when she asked, my answer was, "It doesn’t look like it, Mom. I think I’ll be writing,"... and write I did.

I started at least three blogs which didn’t go anywhere. I would write up to a point only to reach a dead end. My thoughts were wrapped in confusion...too many in different directions all at once. I felt overwhelmed with things I felt I had to let out but stymied as to how. The words just wouldn’t come together the way I wanted them to. So I figured... if I’m not to write a blog, maybe I should paint. I put a blank canvas on my easel, sat down and waited for the needed inspiration. Nothing came.

Eventually I got tired of banging my head against the wall and took my frustrations to prayer. It was then I realized I was trying too hard on my own and conjuring up my own confusion. So I neither wrote nor painted but did spend some much needed time with God.

Today when Mom asked me if I was going to paint, I still had no idea what, but responded with a "yes". I’ve learned that when Mom suggests...repeatedly and strongly...that I paint, I’d better paint. I figured I’d start by putting some color on the canvas and see where it took me. Which is exactly what I did. I love it when I don’t have a pre-conceived idea and a painting simply develops. It’s then the painting becomes part of my prayer and God has a hand in it. I was totally engrossed in the colors and shapes of the sky and water when He came up with the idea of a boat.

Though I had to do the research and sketching until it was right, the rest, I believe, is His.

Coming Home
18x24 acrylic