Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Message

What is a prophet but one who hears a message and is told to proclaim it?  This is the message as it was given to me and I am told to share it with you:

“You are connected to the Indigenous... the ancient ones who first populated this earth.  They have told you what you need to know... throughout your lifetimes.  Now it is your turn to tell others.  

We are very real to you and you must communicate that realness.  People need to know this is not your imagination at work... that the message you are receiving is real and true.

Yes, we too originated from the stars and the planets.  This planet you call earth was being birthed and we were sent to care for it.  The plants and trees who were sent before us share with us their wisdom.  They taught us how to live among them on this earth.

Humanity no longer hears us and is bent on destroying that which gives life.  We call on you to speak the truth as you hear and know it.  We will help you and show you how.  We are your ancestors and our message must be heard!

You must return to the past in order to have a future.  I do not speak of ignorance, but of the knowledge you have had from the beginning of time... the knowledge that existed when humans, animals and plants lived in harmony and helped each other. 

Humans have strayed from their path.  It is time to re-connect with all and again become the “one” you once were.”

I am told we...Starseeds, Planetarians, Indigenous peoples and all those who are open to receiving messages from the great I AM... are to join together in prayer on Saturday, April 4th at 6:11 a.m.  I have no idea what these messages might be as they are referred to as “codes”.  Please join us.  I am told the time zone doesn’t matter.  They (messengers) transcend time and don’t see it as we do but they realize we need a specific.  It is time we move beyond our fears and be instruments of Light.

God is with you!

Monday, March 23, 2020

An Opportunity

It’s been a long time since I’ve shared my thoughts with you in a blog.  Facebook takes over in so many ways... its best use, I think, is the instant communication we have with one-another.  But this is a place to share deeper thoughts... knowledge which comes from within... things known but not necessarily understood.  I am sharing some of that here with you now... things I seem to know but don’t know why or how I know them.  I’m sure, if you let yourselves, you realize there is some of that kind of knowledge deep within yourselves as well.

This time of self-quarantine is a gift... once we get used to living with ourselves and are comfortable in the silence.  We have an opportunity now to listen to our own hearts.  I also see a benefit in the closing of the churches... a hidden message, perhaps?  One which says, “It doesn’t matter how you pray... only that you pray.”  And if we all pray from the heart we are united as one regardless of religious definitions.

This is something the Indigenous peoples have always known and something, I believe, we must re-learn.  We must come to realize our connection with all humanity, our connection to, and dependency on, the earth. 

Throughout history one race has always sought dominion over another... insisting their way was the only and right way.  We were so busy pushing others down because their culture was different we never stopped and took the time to learn from them.  We were so full of ourselves we quickly judged and dismissed those who did not act or believe as we did.   I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.  Indigenous peoples are still struggling for equality and there are still those among us who want to take everything they have away from them... or simply eliminate them because they are “different” rather than work toward understanding and acceptance.

This time we must now spend alone is a time for the uniting of spirits.  It is a time of coming to know God... God within ourselves... God within all others... God within all living things.  It is a time to become reunited with one another and with our earth.

The Indigenous people know that all water is life, yet greed is allowed to continue to poison our waterways.  They know we depend on the plants and trees for life-giving oxygen, yet greed is destroying our rain forests.  They know of the healing powers of certain plants and how they should be used... and greed is harvesting these plants with no thought of sustained growth or proper use and turning them into drugs we must pay for.  Greed is raping the earth through fracking.  Greed is drilling in our National Parks.  Greed is stealing the water from Florida’s aquifer and selling it back to the people in plastic bottles.

There is suffering in this time, yes, and death.  But out of suffering comes rebirth.  It has always been so.  There would be no Easter without Good Friday.  There is always room for hope and this is an opportunity for transformation.

God Bless you, my friends and stay well!