Tuesday, August 13, 2019

It is Love

I received a call Saturday morning that a friend had died and could I please come.  I went then, not because of Bonnie R’s passing, but because my friend, J.T., who lived with her was distraught and in need.  Her death was a shock to him and his grief terrible and real.  In the short time they had lived together, their friendship had blossomed into a mutual respect and dependency.  Each had needed the other in times of illness.

Bonnie had been ill when she moved in and I daresay it was the perfect place for her to be.  J.T. welcomed her with open arms and heart.  Funny... I had meant to write of Bonnie here but my pen keeps returning to telling you of J.T..

Bonnie has moved beyond her physical body and the pain she experienced there.  In fact, I did see her spirit yesterday during service.  She was smiling and laughing... her arms outstretched, offering to all the hugs she was famous for.

It’s the ones who are left behind who suffer and ask the question, “Why?”

J.T. was no different.  His feeling of loss was great.  It was then he realized how much he had loved.  He had not only opened his home, but his heart as well.  His anguish expressed in the wracking sobs coming from the depths of his being.  He had allowed himself to love and now there was a hole in his heart.

Here is a man who is not afraid of love... of loving... and of being loved.  What an example he is to me!  To remain vulnerable enough to give and receive pure love.  Yes, he is suffering for he feels the loss of his friend, Bonnie, deeply.  But this does not keep him from opening his heart to others.

Love to you!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Be Not Afraid

I haven’t personally counted them but am told the message “Be not afraid” occurs 365 times in the Bible... one for each day of the year.  What a wonderful message to bring to mind at the start of each new day!

That is a thought I jotted down after the shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.  I realized how easy it is to give way to fear and today, during meditation, this came to me... We cannot live in fear for living in fear isn’t living!  Following that thought, I “heard” this:

“Ah, my dear child, there is no need to fear for I AM with you always.  I will let nothing harm you.  All you need to do is keep your hand in mine and trust in me.  If, perhaps, you decide to let go and explore on your own, be assured... though you may not see or hear me... I AM with you.  Holding you.  Lifting you.  Strengthening you.  My angels clear the way before you and protect you.  You are never alone and your fears... which you, yourself, have created... are not real.  They are as phantoms in your mind.

Be not afraid.  Your fears weigh you down so that you walk with legs of lead.  See them as phantoms.  They are simply wisps of nothingness easily dismissed... and know you are free of all fear.

I AM Love.  You are Love because I AM within you.”

“In love there is no fear; indeed, perfect love casts out fear...” (1 John 4:18)


Peace be with you, my friends.
In love, Connie

Monday, August 5, 2019

We are Mystics

The other day, during a discussion of spirituality, the words “We’re all Mystics.  It’s just that some have better P.R. (Public Relations) than others.”  came out of my mouth.  I believe the purpose of those words was to bring attention to the fact that Mystics are not only the “others” who have been written about or may have had their personal journals published.

Why do I love reading about the Mystics and what they have come to understand as universal truths?  I love reading about them and what they have to say because their words resonate within me.  The truths they expound echo and awaken the inner knowing within my own being.

I just read an excerpt from Wayne Teasdale’s book, The Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World’s Religions and was excited enough to want to order a copy.  Why?  Because he wrote of what I already know within myself and his writing provided the affirmation I look for... that wonderful, “YES!” I feel when I realize I really do know what I think I know!  Well, I didn’t order it.  I don’t need to read about all the research he did.  It’s enough for me to know that what I know is true.

What do I know?  I know what many in the world are coming to know...that spirituality goes beyond religion.  Oh, it can definitely be a part of it but spirituality doesn’t separate us from one another.  It brings us together.  Spirituality is the coming to know our own God-self and recognizing the God in others... regardless of differences.  In fact, we realize there are no differences other than what we see on the outside and those don’t matter.

Spirituality is the searching for and the finding of God within ourselves and recognizing it in others. “...Nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is in your midst." (Luke 17:21)  

Yes, we are seekers for we seek the kingdom of God.  We are finders because we know where it is and we are mystics because we know it, live in it, learn from it and welcome others into it.

Love, Light and Joy to you all,