Friday, December 28, 2018


Some things simply come to me and I feel drawn to write them down.  This is one of them... brought on by a dream I had of a particular painting... and I am sharing it here with you.  You don’t have to think as I do or believe as I do but you might find it interesting.

I believe the spiritual journey is not so much a journey as it is an awakening... akin to how we might wake from a very deep sleep... allowing our senses to make the transition from a dream-like state to a gradual awareness of sound, atmosphere, etc.  When this gradual transition is made, it is then we might open our eyes... or even close them again until we are ready to keep them open.  Then is the struggle to separate ourselves from the warmth of our blanket cocoon.

There are times that which I experience is much like the state between sleep and wakefulness.  And when I do, I have a great sense of awareness that what I have experienced is very much a part of my continual awakening.  

I do not travel from place to place.  There are no particular stages or steps to my awakening.  So it cannot be considered a journey... though I often thought of it that way.  No, I am realizing that the things I am becoming more aware of... the “growth spurts” as I call them... are parts of myself I have always had... but did not know.  It’s as if they were always a part of me from before the beginning of time... but lay dormant...  waiting patiently to be awakened.

Are they discoveries along the way, as I’ve often referred to them?  Or is it more like finding a long lost prize possession and rejoicing in its finding?  

Not so very long ago I did an oil painting I called, “The Awakening”.  The painting depicts a nude female figure rising out of the fire and ascending into the air along with the fire’s smoke.  As she ascends, her physical body becomes less and less detailed.  It can still be seen but indistinctly through the also rising smoke.  Her awakening is depicted as an inner, spiritual one.

The thing is, awakenings are not total or permanent.  They cannot be isolated and categorized.  One cannot say a simple introduction to an awakening constitutes the whole picture.  No.  Just as when we awaken from a sound sleep to the real world, it is a gradual process... so gradual that it will take us our entire lifetimes to reach complete wakefulness.

The Awakening

Love, Light and Joy to you!
Rev. Connie

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas is a Time

For many, Christmas is a time of both great joy and great sorrow.  The joy and the love we feel in celebrating with family and loved ones is intermingled with sadness for the loved ones we have lost... the ones who can no longer be physically or mentally present.  However, they can be and usually are with us.

Yes, I can hear you say, "Yes, Connie, I know they are in our hearts."  I smile at that because I know their presence is more than that.

Mom's favorite holiday was Christmas and she prepared for it all year, finding and buying just the right gift for just the right person.  She radiated joy at both the giving and the receiving... especially the giving.

Mom has been gone for two years now but when I sit in the silence I can see her in her chair surrounded by friends and family, her face glowing with love and happiness.  She was the essence of Christmas... experienced by all who came into her presence.

I believe there are times when the veil between heaven and earth is very thin... times when loved ones who have moved on might drop in for a visit.  Christmas is one of those times.  It is a time of great love and it is love which unites us all... both living and dead.

Take a few moments this day to sit in the silence, bring your loved one to mind along with a wonderful memory and invite them to come and join you.  You will know of their presence.  You might even see them in your mind's eye... however briefly... but you will know because you will experience the gifts of love and peace they bring with them.

May the sadness of loss be overcome with the joy of knowing the peace that loving brings!

God bless you all and Merry Christmas!
Rev. Connie

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Ways Within

I told you I am working on a book,  Hopefully I will soon be able to make some cohesive sense out of all the excerpts I've written.  I imagine this will be part of it as well but I felt I wanted to share it with you here.

The Ways Within

There is a way within myself.  The path I see in my mind is merely the inner way turned to what I outwardly know... what my outer vision sees... or has seen.  In my meditation I can sit by a stream with my back resting against the broad trunk of a favorite tree.  I can become lost in the peaceful sounds around me as I become one with all.  This, I have physically known and experienced... a place where I have always found peace and comfort.

The road within... the one I see with my inner eye... is not nearly so comfortable.  There have been deep chasms and, with a great fear of falling into nothingness, I struggled to hold onto the cliff-like walls... resting on narrow rock projections offering little more than a toe hold.  Fearing the unknown, I climbed carefully down from one ledge to another... always striving to stay within the light from above.  I knew I had to overcome my fears, let go and allow myself to fall into the threatening darkness.

I summoned my courage, took that leap of faith, let go and fell into that dark, bottomless abyss.  I lost sight of the light from above and was swallowed up in the blackness.  There was nothing left for me to do but surrender to my fate.  It was at that time of complete surrender I saw it... a tiny light coming from the depths... growing larger and brighter as I continued to fall toward it.  My speed seemed to slow as I came nearer and nearer and eventually fell into it.  I felt myself lifted, supported and held by this great Light and it was here I knew true love and absolute peace.  I never wanted to leave.

Though I have come to always see and experience this light... knowing it is always there... my inner journeys are very seldom alike.  The traveling takes different forms and often demands much of me but I find each to be an awesome experience.  Each has something to teach me and I come away from each with a deeper understanding of God in me.

As scientists believe there is a crystal at the very center of the earth, so I came to know of the crystal located within my own center.  For me, it was at the very bottom of a volcano which I saw as being deep within myself.  My journey consisted of navigating rivers of hot molten lava giving off flames of fire.  The rivers flowed between large rocks and boulders, each flowing in a different direction.  My attention was on jumping from rock to rock... often having to cross the fiery rivers.

On reaching my center I stood on a rock and watched the rose-colored crystal give forth and pump that lava throughout my body.  Those rivers carried the fire of God’s love and their purpose was to fill me with it.

The Heart of God

Past the flame
of volcanic fire,
into the depths
of the holy pyre.

O’er hot coals
and embers’ glow,
it’s ever deeper
I dare go

until I too
melt and flow,
become as one
with my soul.

Ever deeper
I do go.
There I see
the lava flow

through my veins
hot and red
as blood would be
if I bled.

Further still
I must go
until the source
I come to know.

Ah, I have found
what feeds the flame,
pushes lava
through my veins.

It lies here
deep within
But how do I describe?
How do I begin

to tell you of
this heart I see?
It’s the source of all
the love in me.

I took each journey many times until they became a part of me.  Once that happened, I would find myself on another... each one a progression in my knowledge of God and myself... God and me.  I hadn’t thought to write about them until experiencing my most recent inner journey.  I was told then that I must share.

One night, as Mary and I were having a phone conversation, I had a very strong feeling of being drawn into myself.  I couldn’t explain it and I couldn’t describe it... though I searched for words, wanting to share it with her.  “There is a deep awareness of ‘something’ within me,” I told her.  “I say ‘something’ because it has no name or definition.  It simply IS.”

The next day I found myself being drawn ever more deeply into myself.  It was not a slow journey, but one which took me directly to my center.  There, I was much surprised at what I saw!  My previous journeys had always taken me to my center...  where I recognized the God presence... but stopped there as if it were a dead end and I could go no further.  Neither did I want to go further.  I had no desire to experience more than that totality of God.  But this was different...

This journey didn’t have a final finding.  As I was drawn more deeply inward...  I wasn’t aware of steps I had to take or encounters along the way... I was simply lifted as air and pulled toward my center.  On arrival, I stood before the gateway to the universe.  It opened and I saw myself flying among the planets and the stars.

I was overcome with awe and found myself asking, “What does this mean?”  The answer I received was this:

Going inward we find God, yes, but we do not find God in a confining space... or only as a crystal or light in the core of our being.  We find God in the unbounded expansiveness which sets our souls free to fly... an expansiveness large enough to hold everything in Love... all people, all things. all of creation... and it's all within our selves!  It is the Christ.

God bless!

The Season is the Reason

Hello, All!

 First of all, I apologize.  I am not the best communicator.   Mom was the one who wrote the letters and sent the cards but some of you have said you miss my emails...hence the title, "The Season is the Reason"   It's a good time to get in touch.  I have no good excuse for not publishing a Blog this past year other than to say things have been happening so fast it's been difficult for me to keep up.  As some of you know, I have no television...which I appreciate.... but have allowed the computer and Facebook to take much of my time.  I forget there are some who are not yet on Facebook... and some who are members but never use it.  So I guess it's time to resurrect the Blog.  However, there are a few sites... I have a few... on Facebook you might want to access.

Going to "Connie's Books" will tell you I had two books published the beginning of this year... Bird on the Wing of God and In the Light.  Both are available on  Throughout the year I have been working on another with the working title of "Try a Little Orange".  Which leads me to my latest site addition to FB, "Another Way of Seeing".  This is the result of a series of painting workshops for which I received very specific directions.  You might be interested in some of the paintings, comments etc..

Another very active site is "Student Work".  It is here I publish the finished work of my painting students and... of course... brag of their achievements.  A few have been actively selling their work and I am very proud of them.

Those of you who are retired know what I mean when I say I'm busier now than I ever was when I was working... even with two jobs.  My calendar is full.  The good thing is, it's not full with "have to's" but "want to's".  Except for doctor appointments of course.  I hope to schedule knee replacement surgery in January and in March will receive my final set of dentures.  Looking forward to eating steak.  All in all my health is good.  Just dealing with chronic knee and hip pain but it's doable.

My workshops are going well and I expect the "Another Way of Seeing" workshops to continue to grow,  A very talented friend, Loren Kitchens, is helping me clean house by putting some of my paintings on clearance through YouTube video and other venues.  I am grateful!

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon!  God bless you!  Merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy 2019!


Monday, January 1, 2018

Something New

Hello, my friends!! 

I have posted this on Facebook and as some of you aren't on Facebook, I thought I'd use my blog to keep you up to date.  It's been a very busy time for me with my classes, writing and painting but I finally can relax as one year ends and another begins.  Thankfully both these books are finished and available for purchase on in both paperback and kindle should you be interested.

A Bird on the Wing of God is my sharing of myself.  It covers a short span with all the joys, hopes, struggles, pain and wonderful discoveries experienced in those few months.

The second, In the Light, was actually written first but took a little longer to finish.  This is a collection of short stories and poetry.  The stories have their roots within personal reflections and inner knowledge....though the "names have been changed to....."  (Those of you who are old enough will remember that line from the TV series "Dragnet")

May your New Year be filled with all the Light, Love and Joy you can hold and keep you and your loved ones in good health!!  

God Bless!