Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Painting is More

Of course I’ve known this, so why do I see it this morning as such a revelation?  Perhaps because I’ve always used words surrounding and alluding to it but never the actual word.... and of course it makes sense when “God” and “Love” are used synonymously. 

I believe any painting I do must be from love, for love, and of love.  If love is not the underlying and prevailing factor, the painting won’t communicate... and to tell you the truth, I don’t have much interest in it.    It’s only the response of the heart that determines the “value” of a reason I have such a hard time assigning a monetary figure.  How does one put a price on the love?  In self-examination and reflection, I realize that love is indeed the driving force behind my painting.

Recently, a very successful and talented artist friend made a point to stop at my studio to see the painting I am now working on.  Her comments of praise were more than appreciated but I’m enough of a realist to know my painting will never be on the same level as hers.  So I couldn’t help but wonder at her reaction.  This morning I knew.

It’s not the drawing or the technique she was seeing, but the love within the painting itself.  It was a meeting of the souls.  She saw, and responded, to the love.

In reflection of previous paintings and responses to them, I have to accept the fact that others often see what I cannot.  While I look with a critical eye, get overly concerned with the “how” and judge a painting as “not good enough” or “I can do better” and push it aside, someone else will come along and say they love it.  I can only assume then that the painting communicates something to others I can’t see....but must have painted. 

Most artists are aware of images not consciously thought of or planned sometimes appearing in their paintings.  For example, I didn't consciously paint the figures seen in this painting, yet they are there.  If you look closely, you can see them in the light.

We do not create alone and we are definitely not in complete control of the outcome.  God, the Master Creator, is always present.