Monday, January 1, 2018

Something New

Hello, my friends!! 

I have posted this on Facebook and as some of you aren't on Facebook, I thought I'd use my blog to keep you up to date.  It's been a very busy time for me with my classes, writing and painting but I finally can relax as one year ends and another begins.  Thankfully both these books are finished and available for purchase on in both paperback and kindle should you be interested.

A Bird on the Wing of God is my sharing of myself.  It covers a short span with all the joys, hopes, struggles, pain and wonderful discoveries experienced in those few months.

The second, In the Light, was actually written first but took a little longer to finish.  This is a collection of short stories and poetry.  The stories have their roots within personal reflections and inner knowledge....though the "names have been changed to....."  (Those of you who are old enough will remember that line from the TV series "Dragnet")

May your New Year be filled with all the Light, Love and Joy you can hold and keep you and your loved ones in good health!!  

God Bless!