Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Some Dreams are Prophetic Messages

I am one who keeps pen and paper near my bed so that when something important “comes through” I can get up and write it down.  I can’t tell you how many times I told myself  I’d remember it in the morning and, unwilling to get up, rolled over and gone back to sleep.  Needless to say, I never remembered it in the morning.   

However, I do admire people who remember their dreams so when a friend wanted to share a dream she had with me I was all ears.  

“I am walking through the woods.  It is a wild wood, thick with branches and the path barely visible.  A shining, golden long haired dog walks in front of me, leading the way.  The path lights up beneath its feet and becomes clear with each step it takes.  The dog leads me to a door, stops, stands aside and speaks to me,  ‘You are to walk through the door.’ ”

When my friend told me of her dream I saw it as clearly as she had and was reminded of something I’d recently seen on Facebook about these last few days of February.  It had stayed with me because I was certainly experiencing some of the symptoms:

This morning during my prayer I heard that in the next few days we would be walking on that path and would soon find that door in front of us.  

I saw, in my meditation, no opening of a door because the door itself suddenly was not there.  It appeared as an open doorway through which I saw a blinding light with intermittent waves of soft glowing colors.  I stood in awe in that doorway as the Light called to me... pulled me into itself.  In stepping over the threshold, I fell into it... was enveloped in it... lifted by it... filled with it.  I am one with it.  The Light is the Christ.

We will each, in being guided along our own path, come to our own doorway.  In walking through that door, I promise you... You too will become one with the Light.  You too will know the Christ in yourself and recognize the Christ in others.

Together we walk in the Light of the Christ.

I am reminded of Paul Ferrini’s book, I Am the Door and in my mind, clearly hear Jesus’ voice saying He is, indeed, the door. (John 10:9)

With Love, Light and Joy,