Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Bringing Gifts to the Table

A picture came into my mind the other day and it has continued to present itself.  When this happens, as it sometimes does, I take it as a sign it is to be shared... either in paint or in words.  As I haven’t been able to figure out how to visually represent this, I resort to painting it for you here in words.

Picture, if you will, a very large room.  A very long table with chairs on either side stretches down its center.  As I see it in the beginning, the room is empty but for the table and chairs.  Then the lights come on, the door opens, and people of many nationalities, religions and denominations enter, gradually filling the waiting chairs.  Each person caries a box or container which glows with a light coming from within.  As they take their places, they carefully place the object on the table in front of them, keeping it within the circle of their hands. 

Then, as if on cue, each reaches into their container and reverently lifts out what seems to be a ball of light, raising it high in thanksgiving.  I can’t help but notice how the light now seems to envelop each one, radiating outward until the entire room is filled with it.

The Ancient One, at the head of the table, stands and addresses the gathering, “Welcome, everyone!  We are all so glad you could come and bring your gifts with you.  As you may have noticed, as many gifts as there are, each one is different.  Each holds great importance.  We have come together today to share our gifts with one another because our world needs the power your sharing brings.  It is only through the sharing of our gifts that humanity will grow in the knowing of love.”

I looked around the room, my gaze moving from face to face, and was suddenly aware that as different as we all were, everyone heard and understood all that was said. 

The Ancient One stretched out his arms to include all and though it seemed impossible, made eye contact with each person at once.  Each one, then, pushed their gifts to the center of the table until they all were as one great light encompassing us all.  There was great power in that room and it filled each and every one of us.

I wonder if we know our gifts... if we realize their value.  It’s taken me a long time to recognize and accept the fact that I do have gifts.  The “I am not worthy” thing was so ingrained I was blind to seeing and knowing all God gives me.  I even came to realize that what I always considered to be my greatest faults were actually my greatest gifts.  The thing is, we are worthy...  for God has deemed us worthy.  Would we have been given these gifts if we were not?

We have many of the same gifts but in different proportions and strengths...   

“To each person has been given the ability to manifest the Spirit for the common good.  To one has been given a message of wisdom by the Spirit; to another the ability to speak with knowledge according to the same Spirit;  to another faith by the same Spirit; to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit; to another miraculous results; to another prophecy; to another the ability to distinguish between spirits; to another various kinds of languages; and to another the interpretation of languages.  But one and the same Spirit produces all these results and gives what he wants to each person.” (1Corinthians 12:7-11)

These gifts have been a part of us since our beginning.  Our struggle has been to discover and utilize all we are given.  May we continue to discover these gifts within ourselves, bring them to the table and share them with all!

God bless!