Thursday, September 29, 2016


It’s interesting to me how we humans always try to label things.  It’s as if we have to classify everything and once they’re classified and labeled we feel more comfortable.  We can determine where the box we’re in fits amongst all the other labeled boxes.

We are a “tribal people” .  We are members of families, clans, classes, groups, organizations, churches, religions and we have a tendency to label ourselves accordingly.  I have met more than a few who have put themselves...and continue to live... in a box and stuck a label on it as if it describes who they are completely.

 Unfortunately, the world tries to force labels upon us.... “Are you Democrat or Republican?; Jewish, Christian; Buddhist, Hindu, or Muslim?;  Catholic or Protestant?; heterosexual or homosexual?; married, divorced or single?; black, hispanic or white?; rich, middle class or poor?; conservative or liberal?; and within each label there are sub-labels and classifications.

In my studying, my associations with people from “other tribes”, my learning,  my seeking and my growing, I find I consciously try to avoid having any particular label or classification applied to myself as if it were the only one applicable.  With an inward smile (most of you know I’m a natural rebel), I admit I enjoy how some try to apply a specific label to me and seeing their surprise and confusion when it doesn’t least not for long....or is immediately joined by another.  I absolutely refuse to be put in a specific box and labeled.

The only label I accept with love, pride and confidence is the one which states, “I am a child of God”.  Now, that one I would paste to my forehead!