Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Response

I wrote this in response to an email from a friend and thought I’d share it with you here.

The thing about Americans is, we always rise for a common cause. The problem is, we don't know yet what that common cause is. There is so much hatred and anger buried beneath the surface of many Americans that things like reason and love are strange and unfamiliar.  We are afraid.

I pray, that if he does nothing else, Trump be the catalyst to bring people back together. This is a necessary time of growth. America has to realize we are no longer a leader in the world, nor can we set ourselves up as examples of "Liberty and Justice for All". Maybe we have to burn so we, like the Phoenix, will rise from the ashes.

There has always been, and will always be, a war between good and evil. This is the time for those who profess a love of God and neighbor to put words into actions. We are an "army". We just haven't come together yet because we put more emphasis on our differences than what we share in common.

There are more than enough who point out everything that is wrong..... which only brings us down into the swamp of negativity. It's time to shine the light on what is right. It's the nature of all to want to come out of the darkness into the light. We need the light. Let us rise up and shine for others!

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine."  Imagine how bright that light will be with all of us shining together!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Aross the Abyss

All the hatred, negativity, racism, greed, lies and false promises are like quicksand. The hatred and anger are contagious.  The demons’ snake-like arms reach up to us from the pit and threaten to pull us in.  With evil grins on their dark faces, they beckon us.  The temptation is strong because of their numbers and their promises of safety among them.

“Safety from what?” I ask myself.  “The only ‘safety’ I have is in standing here on the edge with these few, praying for the strength to resist.”

Then I hear voices in the distance....a great many voices.... coming nearer and nearer.  Others are coming.  Looking across the abyss, I see more coming from afar... from other lands... to this place where we must come together.

They are multitude, carrying rocks, stones and strong, thick logs.  My heart responds with joy.  We are the bridge builders.  Together we will build a bridge strong enough to withstand any force; high enough to be beyond the reach of those in the abyss; wide enough so there is room for all to cross and become united.

“Yes!  We are building a bridge”, I sing happily to myself as we work side by side and together, place another rock.