Sunday, November 15, 2015

Our Family

It's time to broaden our realize we are a part of a world much larger than our little section of it. I don't think that's such an easy thing to do, especially for those of us who have become quite comfortable in our physical surroundings. It's not easy to realize, in a personal way, the things happening in other parts of the world. We've become complacent....simply biding our time and leaving the changing of things up to the younger generation.

 This is not a time for complacency. It's a time when we have to realize our place in God's family. We have to come to the actual realization that we are all brothers and sisters.....regardless of nationality or religion....we are part of one family....and love everyone as we, and they, are loved by God.

As in any family, there will always be those who are obsessed with selfishness and greed. There will always be those who stray... who rebel against love and goodness but, because they are part of our family, we love them anyway....always praying they return to the fold.

 We need to stretch our minds and open our hearts to include all people of the world. We need to love and pray for our family in Beirut as well as in Paris. We need to welcome home and provide safe haven for the lost and the suffering. We need to look beyond ourselves and love. Love is the only cure for the world...for our family.
So let us love and let us pray the violence against our brothers and sisters will end. Let us pray for those who have chosen the wrong path. Let us welcome those who are lost with open arms and a loving heart. Let us grow into and become the family God wishes us to be.