Sunday, May 19, 2019

Seeking.....and Finding

Yesterday... or last night... I may have been awake... or asleep.  Maybe both.  I realized I am remembering things planted in my memory banks since the beginning of time.  I am remembering what I knew as a child.  I am remembering the God-self I have always known.

I am realizing that much... not all... of my religious training was not necessary in coming to know God.  I did not need to know the doctrines and laws of organized religious denominations.  In fact, I now spend time unlearning much of what I’ve been taught.  I find it interesting that I have spent years... decades... in search of the knowledge which already exists deep within myself.  I am realizing... in this last third of my life... how important the remembering is... and how difficult it sometimes is to reconcile that remembering with some of the “religion” I’ve been taught.  So much unnecessary baggage!

Yes, I know you might disagree... and I’m not putting down organized religion.  I have experienced much in my search: I was raised Methodist but never felt truly comfortable... so spent my college years (and beyond) experiencing various denominations.  I won’t list them here.  Suffice it to say I didn’t miss much... not even Quakerism.  My conversion to Catholicism and entrance into the religious community of the Sisters of St Joseph pretty much completed my search.  I thought.  Yet here I am, more than 40 years later, still searching... but in a much different way.

We are told by Jesus, “Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God...”(Matthew 6:33)
But where is the kingdom?  Is it out there somewhere in the universe?  Is it another planet, another world?  I imagine the Disciples had similar questions.  But then Jesus was more specific,
“... the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)

Well, I thought... If the kingdom of God is within me, it is also within you!  The kingdom of God is within everyone!  If that’s true, I thought... and I believe it is... I reasoned, if God is love, (I John 4:8) then the kingdom of God is the kingdom of love and God, as love, is within each and every one of us!

I love the remembering.  I love going within myself and growing in the knowledge of the God (Love) living there. I am not only seeking, my dear friends!  I am finding!

Light, Love and Joy to you!