Monday, August 22, 2016

A 'Rising Up'

While the world is in the midst of violent, murderous uprisings, there is a quiet, but steady, ‘rising up’.  While people strike out hatefully against one another, driven by fear, desire for power, greed, mistrust and misunderstanding, there is a peaceful ‘rising up’ happening in every part of the world.

While Satan revels in the evil so prevalent, God quietly calls and lifts up those people who, like Isaiah of old,  respond with, “Here I am, Lord.  Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8) These people carry the flame of God’s light into the darkest corners of the world, sharing love and hope.

There is a ‘rising up’ of a people with a spiritual appetite,  people with  an innate sense of justice, people who, like Isaiah, are not afraid to step forward and speak God’s truth.

I am in awe as I watch and become more and more aware of these people as we find and unite with one another.  “We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord.”.  I am in awe as we come together across mountains, rivers, oceans, continents; of how language, customs, religions form no barriers.  God calls us all and we all respond with “Here I am, Lord.  Send me.”

We have no weapons but the ones God gives us.   We carry nothing but God’s light of love and truth.  It is more than enough to dispel the darkness evil needs to thrive.

Our numbers are growing in every country in the world as well as in our own families and communities.  We are ‘rising up’, making ourselves heard, working together toward one end...the reality of God’s kingdom here on earth through  obedience to God’s law of Love.

Here I Am, Lord

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

God's Surprises

Our God is a God of surprises!  As soon as I start to feel comfortable with where I am, God leads me around a corner to yet another eye-opening experience.

It’s a lot like walking into an empty room that suddenly fills with light and  people coming from all directions shouting, “Surprise”!  If you’ve ever had that happen to you, you know exactly what I mean.  It’s initially a shock which turns into my being grateful for all the love in that room.  God’s surprises are a lot like that.  They might rock me back on my heels for a bit but I’ve never known one where I didn’t encounter love.

I am the child who is filled with awesome wonder at the new things I encounter and discover.  I am also that child who persistently asks the question, “Why?”  My questions aren’t always answered and I often forget my asking when I am lost in the wonder of discovering and seeing God in all of creation, in all people, in all religions, in all beliefs in all things. In God’s showing me all these little bits and pieces of God’s self, I clap my hands and jump for joy.

Sometimes I wonder if my heart could possibly expand enough to hold all of the God I discover.  My heart must be a very good elastic to be able to stretch and include so much.  Whenever there’s something more, there’s always room.  God keeps showing me how big God some try so hard to keep God in a box of their limited understanding and how God is so much bigger than that.  God broadens my vision so I am  free to love God in all.

Not only am I free to love all, but I am free to learn from all.  No one denomination or religion can possibly be the only way to God.  God is much, much bigger than that. So I stay open to the to the discovery of to to all the surprises God has in store for me.

I’m getting so I really love God’s surprises and look with excited expectation for the next one.