Monday, May 11, 2020

Thimk or Think?

I first heard the terms  “Introspection” and “self-examination” when I entered the Community of the Sisters of St. Joseph back in 1974.  Though the Sisters’ teaching related both terms to spiritual growth and prayer, I soon realized I was more than familiar with their practical meaning.  

As a child, I had been taught to exercise both.  They came under the heading of ‘Learning how to think for yourself’.  

My father was insistent on our learning to think for ourselves.  We were taught, not only to consider and examine “facts”, but to determine whether we agreed with those facts or not.  What did we think about it?  How did we feel?  Had we looked at all sides?  Where and what was our truth? 

Other questions had to be answered too... “Why did you say that?  What did you mean?  Can you prove it or is that your opinion?”  Naturally, these questions would result in debate where thoughts and ideas had to be substantiated.  My brother could offer some pretty strong and valid points and was often forceful about trying to convince me of his viewpoint.  I wasn’t always convinced and, when I ran out of debatable facts, would retreat within myself and look there for my truth.  Once I found it, I stood firm and there was nothing anyone could say or do to change it.

I learned early on where my truth lived but I also learned that the gathering and sifting of pertinent information was necessary in discovering it.  I had to look at and examine the “facts” with my head and sort them out while listening to how my heart felt about it.

I had been taught, too, that God was everywhere and that He created all things.  This teaching of my father usually related to God’s presence in nature.  It was under the Sisters’ tutelage I came to realize God’s presence in myself.  It was in one of those ah-ha moments I realized I find God in the same place I find my truth.

Knowledge is wonderful!  I don’t think we should ever stop learning and educating ourselves.  But... acquiring knowledge isn’t enough.  Knowledge without truth is worthless just as thinking without feeling is worthless.  We must think with both our heads and our hearts in sincere seeking of our own truth.  We can’t find that truth within ourselves without also finding God for God is truth.  “I am the way, the truth and the life.” (John 14:6)

This is a global crisis we are living in and we are being bombarded with information.  What do we believe?  There is only one truth and that is the one we find within ourselves after we have answered the questions in our heads.  The important thing is for us to ask the questions.  The important thing for us to do is to THINK and consider all the facts...not just the ones which agree with preconceived ideas.  The important thing to do is to keep an open mind.  The truth cannot make itself known through a closed door.

And to those who are leaving it all up to God... please remember where God lives.  God lives within each one of us and we need to give Him/Her the freedom to express the truth through us.  We have to do OUR part in partnership with God.

God Bless you!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Finding the Truth

“You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32)

What is the truth?  Where is the truth?  Who and what do I believe?  There are some who are trying very hard to convince me of their version of the “truth” and get annoyed when I don’t accept their point of view.  Some have accused me of being confused.  Maybe I am.  The road to the truth is strewn with obstacles, overgrown with briars and vines that grab at me and rip my clothes as I pass.  The way is hard and rocky.  It winds around cliffs where it is barely wide enough for me to step and I can’t see ahead because of all the twists and turns.

Who do I believe?  What do I believe?  Who and what do I trust?  There was once a time when I could look to those in position of leadership roles as true leaders.  I can’t do that any more.  The truth has become clouded with lies, greed and hidden agendas.  Do I believe the politicians who are more concerned with their power and the economy than they are with the American public they are elected to represent and protect?  Do I believe the pharmaceutical companies who are more concerned with profit than public health?

Once in a while a light shines... with words spoken in true sincerity and compassion like those of Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany,,, and give hope to the world.

That light shines in so many places, through so many people even while those in authority try to make it shine only on themselves and misuse their power...power often without understanding and compassion.  I’m thinking of the woman in Texas who refused to close her salon because those who worked there needed to work in order to feed their children.  Think about that...  She was sentenced to 7 days in jail (where the virus was present) and fined $500 a day for every day her shop was open  until the day it was declared the opening legal. 

Here is a woman, a mother, trying to make ends meet and keep her and other’s children from going hungry being jailed and charged with a fine she could not possibly pay.  Who, then, would feed her children? 

Where have compassion and understanding gone?  What has happened to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?”  Or the commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”? 

Fear has become our enemy and it must be recognized and dealt with.  It is fear which makes us lash out against one another.  It’s not only fear of the virus, but the fear of not being able to pay the rent, the mortgage, the car payment... fear of not having enough to feed ourselves and our loved ones.  Out of this fear comes violence and abuse.  This fear is fed by many sources and it sneaks into our psyche.  No one is immune to it.  The greatest fear, I think, is in not knowing who or what to believe.  My greatest fear comes from not knowing the TRUTH.

Certain videos were posted on Facebook and later removed for being “untruthful”.  I consider myself fortunate to have seen some of them before they were removed.  I agree they weren’t entirely factual...that people were trying to push their own agendas.  However, I took exception to their removal...mainly because I like to think for myself and take exception when someone tries to do my thinking for me.  I agree those videos weren’t entirely factual (I did my research) but there were bits of truth mixed in with the untruths and I needed to hear those bits. 

What is truth?  Where is truth?  The only truth I know and can believe in is that which resonates within me.  I see the truth most clearly when I see it with my heart.  My mind can research, question, investigate and find what I may THINK is the truth but I cannot believe it until I know it within myself. 

THAT is where we find the truth, my friends... within our very selves where it is not tarnished with fear.

Stay safe and be well.  We will come to know the truth at the time of harvest when the weeds are separated from the wheat. (Matthew 13:24-30)  In the meantime, I hope you keep researching, keep questioning,  keep an open mind and Think!  The truth will make itself known.

God Bless you!

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