Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Are We Pharisees or Disciples?

I read in the news this morning how the Methodist Church is instituting a ban against LGBTs, making it a punishable act for any minister to marry a same-gender couple.  They are also saying there is no place for homosexual ministers within the Church.  On reading this, my first reaction was one of anger and indignation... which eventually gave way to a very deep sadness.  Are they truly going to judge others solely on the basis of their sexuality?

Jesus did not judge.  He loved and accepted people for who they were.

I shake my head in sorrow and disbelief at what organized Christian religion is becoming.  How does one preach words of love from the pulpit while living a message of non-acceptance... even hatred?  How sad it is that church leaders... those who have dedicated their lives to follow Jesus... to live the Gospel... are more like the Pharisees than Disciples.

 “To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.  The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Luke 18:9-14)

How much easier it is to foster hate than love!  Instead of standing strong in living and encouraging others in the two commandments set forth by Jesus, they resort to making their own laws... and sow the seeds of hatred.

I am a Christian.  I am also part Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Ba-Hai, etc.  All religions are part of who I am but the one I follow is Jesus.  We are all one family, sharing the one father, God.  Every human being... every living, breathing thing... is related.  We all have God’s DNA within us.  We are all brothers and sisters regardless of our differences.  We may not agree with one another and that’s okay but it is not up to us to judge them.

One day I voiced my annoyance concerning my brother to Mom.  Concerned about a possible rift, she asked, “Why don’t you love your brother?”

“Oh, Mom!” I responded.  “I do love my brother.  It’s just that sometimes I don’t like him very much.”  She nodded her head in understanding.

The thing is, Jesus doesn’t tell us we are to like one another.  His commandment is that we love one another.  That doesn’t mean we have to agree with all they say and do.  How boring that would be!  But... we are called to love and acceptance.

One thing about human nature... a thing we often forget... is that, often what we dislike in another, we dislike in ourselves.  It is the reflection of that part of ourselves we wish wasn’t there and try to ignore.  So what so we do?  We point to the other... lash out at the one who is different... hoping no one sees the differences within us.  When we can accept and love ourselves as God’s children, we will accept and love others as part of our family of ONE.  We are all perfect in the eyes of God.  Our idea of perfection is not the same as God’s.  Who are we to judge others?

As one who was raised Methodist and converted to Catholicism, I have an interest in both denominations.  I am ashamed of the actions of those who have strayed so far away from Jesus’ teachings.  Why is church membership dwindling?  Why are many... especially the youth... not attending?  Because of the hypocrisy... the negativity... the duplicity. 

Are we lost in the darkness?  If we are, it is only because we are blind to the presence of the light... for it illuminates our way. 

Regardless of a church’s man made laws, each individual person will have to come to terms with who they, themselves, are.  That’s where they have to stand... and stand strong.

We are family!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

It's Almost Here!

I love Spring!  I love seeing the trees budding in that beautiful yellow-green... the same color I get when I mix cerulean blue with cadmium yellow light.  It’s no wonder it’s my favorite green!  I love watching the light reflecting off each upturned baby leaf... a raised open hand waiting to receive.  There is something about a warm spring day after winter’s cold that we, too, stand with faces and hands upturned to the warmth of the sun.

I am filled with a peace and calmness, losing myself in the smells and sounds of earth’s re-awakening.  There is peace in my soul, a song in my heart and I sing as one with all.  As I sit here soaking up the sun’s warmth, I can hear the grass and fluttering leaves speak in whispers with the breeze.  Budding blossoms and flowers fill my senses as I drink in their beauty through both eyes and nose.  I am filled to overflowing.

Sometimes I think about painting all I see, hear and feel... and I have often tried... but there is no way I could possibly capture it all.  It is much better, I think, to simply sit here and absorb it all until I am one with the earth and all its gifts.

We humans have a tendency to forget that the earth doesn’t need us... we need the earth and its many gifts.  We have been appointed as its caretakers and protectors and every once in a while it’s important... imperative... we take the time to reconnect and be appreciative of all we receive.

If the soil is not tilled, seeds not planted and plants not watered or tended, there will be no harvest but if everyone takes care of their own little piece, we will continue to receive all the life-giving gifts our earth has to offer. 

I am grateful for all I receive from nature... both life sustaining and soul sustaining food.  The least I can do is show my appreciation by doing my part.

Love, Light and Joy to you all as you enjoy this transition from death to life... Winter to Spring! 
Remember... We need the earth.  It doesn’t need us.


Friday, March 8, 2019

Everything Blooms in Spring!

There’s a few feet of snow... temperatures plummet to below freezing... and my cousin, Sally, is busy planting seeds and potting plants.  Plants delivered in the snow are being given new life in the warmth of her greenhouse.  It’s not easy work and many hands are needed but there are no words to express how seeing the first tiny bud makes one feel.

I look at my azaleas in full bloom, the tiny buds appearing on the crepe myrtle and the abundance of beautiful wild flowers in our yards and along our roads.  There is new birth and beauty everywhere I look!  Mother nature is springing forth after her long winter’s sleep with new growth celebrated by the profusion of colorful blossoms and bright shades of green!

Isn’t it interesting how a tiny flower can contain so much beauty and be so powerful as to lift our souls.  We become aware that this simple beauty enters and fills us until we, too, bloom forth with smiles of happiness and joy!  There’s an extra spring in our step and we exude the simple joy of experiencing our oneness with all of nature and mankind.

In our gardens it’s time to prune the old dead branches, make room for new growth.  The same is true of ourselves.  The message given us by mother nature is not an easy one.  We are told, like the flowers, to allow our inner beauty to grow and blossom... to put aside... let go... of all that is old and dead.  Perhaps we haven’t done that for a while.  Perhaps we’ve held onto memories and thoughts which no longer serve us... keeping our growth smothered... struggling to bloom in spite of the weeds we’ve allowed to continue growing.

We need to prune ourselves right along with our trees and bushes.  The woodbine is impossible to pull for its roots twine around the roots of my azaleas and jasmine bushes.  It must be cut back as close to the ground as possible or it will smother my bushes and the bees, birds and I would be deprived of their beauty.

I have a weed much like that woodbine within myself.  It’s a part of me I don’t like and it grows without my noticing.  Sometimes I have to consciously look for it so I can keep cutting it back.   There are other weeds as well but most are not so hardy and stubborn as this one.

Isn’t is interesting, too, that the season of Lent coincides with the new birth of Spring?   A reminder that, as we tend to mother nature’s garden, we also must tend to the garden within ourselves.

We are an integral part of God’s garden.   In this wonderful season of Spring, may we all rise from our winter’s sleep and grow and bloom as God intends for us to grow and bloom!   Open your arms wide to the warmth of the sun.  Dance in the rain.  Grow!!

Love, Light and Joy to all!