Thursday, May 19, 2016

Pope Francis and the Church

It’s interesting that so many people and organizations are seeking change in the Church....not only the Catholic church but others who are also struggling for change.  In my humble opinion ....which I never hesitate to share.... most, if not all, Christians are looking to Pope Francis as a example of who and what a Christian should be.

Here’s the simple truth as I see it....  Pope Francis is not about changing the Church.  He is about instigating and instituting change in us, the people.  (We are the Church)  He knows if we grow in love, mercy and knowledge of God, the Church will also grow into what it’s meant to be.  He will not attempt to change Canon Law or established Doctrine, but he will take steps to clarify it so we can come to an acceptance born of understanding.  Hopefully he will tweak some traditions a bit...but that’s another blog.

His message is not limited to Catholics, but is for the world.  He encourages open dialog with all religions, promotes non-judgment and continues to stress the importance of our living the Gospel.  He draws us back to the very basics of Jesus’ teaching.  The change will be within ourselves and we will change the world.

Pope Francis is busy pruning the vine and strengthening the roots so that we, the people....the church, will bear fruit.

May we all grow in Christ together! 
God Bless!

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